We take our name from our founder, Russell F Clark, a native of DuBois, Pennsylvania, who began his career in the burgeoning electrical industry after graduating as an electrical engineer from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1916. Mr. Clark became a manufacturer’s representative in 1919 after working as an engineer for the Duquesne Light Company.
The firm’s first two customers were Mine Safety Appliances and Duquesne Light Co. They remain major accounts for the company today, along with many other industrial leaders. As his firm grew, Mr. Clark developed a policy of close communication between manufacturers and customers that assures prompt supply of the finest quality and newest design products for each application. He used his initials as the company name and logo. RFC, he was proud to say, stands for reliable, forthright & courteous.
Mr. Clark’s founding principles continue to guide the company. Always a close-knit, family-style operation, the Russell F Clark Company today is headed by Gary Crissman, President. Mr. Crissman continues the company’s dedication to the values on which the firm is based. Though mindful of the company’s heritage, Mr. Crissman insists that the Russell F Clark Company takes a leading position in service and innovation for old and new customers and principals alike.
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